Friday, January 25, 2013

Twas a Week Before the Super Bowl


"Harbaugh Bowl"

"The Brother Bowl"

Whatever you want to call it's still the Super Bowl. The most watched television event of the entire year.

Now, just giving a little kudos to myself - I totally called this match up before last Sunday's AFC and NFC Championships.

However, picking the winner of this game seems to be proving tougher than an over-cooked steak. Although I am leaning towards one team right now, that could change. As to which team it is shall remain confidential though. Whoa, that sounded cool...

Anyways, on to "Super Week" we go. On to TV ads and food. And football.

However pretty this story of the two brothers banging heads again (which I'm sure happened a lot as kids, that's just what brothers do!), I'm just looking forward to a great game!

So from one fan to to many others - enjoy the the final full week of football!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Happiness for Life and Eternity

Many things grieve me.

A loss of a loved one, though I've never actually had that happen to me yet.

The degrading of our nation.

The loss of innocent, unborn lives.

And the fact that many people are wandering through life not knowing what truth is.

I was listening to a radio program in my car this morning. It was the usual early morning talk about random subjects, and the topic of "what I want in life" came up.  Each personality gave their comments about what material things they would like to have and such. But then another broadcaster, deep voice and all, spoke up.

"All I want - is just to be happy for life and eternity...I just don't know how."

That saddened my heart greatly!

This man is wandering through life trying to find happiness. But he doesn't know how to attain it! Many people in this world are wandering through life trying to find joy, peace, meaning.

But why?

Is it because there is no absolute truth out there? Well, that can't be true. Because if that statement were true, then it would be contradicting itself.

Manti Te'o. Sigh...Nobody knows what's what and who's who, or, not who. Who knows?! But I can guarantee you that something about this story is true. Because there is such a thing as absolute truth!

I believe there is Truth, true Truth. But how can lost people know about it if somebody doesn't tell them?

We as Christians are called to be witnesses of Christ. Jesus told his disciples that He would make them 'Fishers of Men'. Meaning that He would train and grow them to reach out to people after He would leave this world.

We have a responsibility to share with others what Christ gave to us. People are lost and spiritually dying. They're seeking truth, but instead of finding it they fill their lives with worldly things. They wander and wonder...

Just today I have started to carry my Bible with me around school, and I have already gotten a comment! Maybe it starts with just a simple thing as that. Find a way to start a conversation, bring it to spiritual things and let God do the rest. It is amazing to see what happens when we step aside and let God and His Word do the talking.


People are looking. Looking for something to fill that void. Christ can do just that. But people have to be told about it, we can't just hope that the lost will find out on their own.

It starts with you and I. What are you doing to further God's Kingdom?